Getting around the region by bus

The region has a very dense and efficient public transport network.

If you want to visit the Great War Museum, Parc du Pâtis, Meaux beach or any of the communes in the Pays de Meaux or Pays de l’Ourcq conurbations, you can do it all!

Find all the bus routes in Meaux and throughout the region: here

How to get to the Great War Museum by bus, from Meaux station

Just 10 minutes from Meaux station on the following bus lines: 

The Great War Museum stop 

Haltestelle „Hauts de Chantereine“ (vor dem Museum)

La p’tite navette

From Meaux station, you can also take the P’tite Navette to discover the must-see places in the city.

It runs every weekend throughout the year and during the week during Zone C holiday periods! And to top it all off, it’s free!

Find out more

Navette touristique de Meaux en face de la cathédrale Saint-EtienneMellie JUMELLE