From those who have visited Meaux

Throughout the year, we welcome groups to discover the treasures of Meaux and the surrounding area.

Find out what they have to say about their group visit to Meaux below.

Association le rayon de soleil bryard – visit on 12 april 2023

I’d like to thank you for organising such a successful day, for your warm welcome and for the kindness and professionalism of your guides.

The participants were all delighted with the outing to Meaux and will remember it fondly.

Association les rout’yerres d’antan – visit on 2 april 2023

I would like to thank you for organising the visit on Sunday 2 April with the members of our association Les Rout’Yerres d’antan.

The guided tour of the Brie Museum was interesting, fun and entertaining.

We were delighted with the tasting that followed, and bought a number of products from the shop.

The meal you organised at La Péniche was delicious, and the service and welcome were attentive.

Thank you to you and the team who welcomed us.

Poissy Community Centre for Social Action, Maison Bleue – Visit on 3 February 2023

We would like to thank you for the wonderful day you organised for us on Friday 3 February 2023. The elderly people of Poissy were delighted.

Thanks to the guides for the visit to the Bellot cemetery, despite our delay they took time out of their day to give us the tour.

Thanks to the chef at the Auberge du Champs de Mars, he was extremely kind, and the meal was delicious.

Thanks to the guides at the Great War Museum, they were really kind and unselfishly gave their time during the visit.

And finally, the Maison Bleue team would like to thank you for your kindness and goodwill towards us throughout the day.

Le souvenir français d’Arnouville – Visit on 24 November 2022

I’d recommend Meaux Marne Ourcq Tourisme for the warm and professional welcome from its teams, and also from our guide Armel, who is so passionate and talented that we’d spend a day with him.

We would love to come back and visit again because of the rich heritage of the city of Meaux and the surrounding area. The Great War Museum alone is worth a whole day for history buffs.

Association Amitiés et Loisirs (Juilly) – Visit on 19 November 2022

Very interesting region, very warm welcome. Excellent day out, very pleasant guide, lots of knowledge. There are still many sites to explore.

Association Relais Étoile de Vie (Versailles) – Visit on 10 October 2022

Thank you so much for this wonderful day in Meaux, organised by yourselves, for the kindness of your welcome, the quality of your listening and the speed of your responses at such short notice! It was particularly difficult to find a suitable place for over sixty disabled people in wheelchairs and their carers to have a hot lunch quickly enough to allow a visit to the Great War museum in the afternoon. Everyone was delighted with the experience.

The restaurant La Table du Rôtisseur is a warm, friendly place, and the staff are very attentive to people. The menu was delicious, hot and served all together, which is much appreciated. The lovely, helpful staff won everyone over.

Afterwards, we were delighted to take a guided tour of the Great War Museum. You were kind enough to organise 3 groups, so that we could move around more easily and take full advantage of the explanations. The 3 guides were very interesting and thoughtful of everyone. Thanks to your organisational skills and careful timing, the day was a real success and we left delighted to have discovered your beautiful region.